トライボロジー会議 2008秋 名古屋 国際セッション

The International Session, 2008 Nagoya

<The 53rd JAST Fall Tribology Conference International>


How to Prepare Manuscript for Proceedings



1. 言語: 国際セッション申し込みの場合は,英語のみです.

Language: If you submit the paper to the International Session, the manuscript should be written in English.

2. 原稿用紙: A4判白紙(各自でご用意ください)

Paper size: A4-paper


マージン:上下 20mm,左右 20mm

Margin: Top and bottom 20 mm, left and right 20mm


Manuscript will be sent to an offset printer without modification.


3. 原稿枚数: 2 (厳守)

Number of page: two page (Do not exceed)


右上の余白に黒鉛筆で1/2, 2/2 と頁を示してください.

Please write pages of 1/2 and 2/2 at the upper right corner in a black pencil.


4. 標準形式: 57 2段組(段間8mm以上)

Standard format: 57 lines double column (column space more than 8 mm)



First items should be written as follows.

l        1行:英文講演題目(12pt, ゴシック体)

First line: Title (12 pt., Arial)

(講演題目の左側は,講演番号記入用に40mm 以上を空白としてください.)

(Margin more than 40-mm should be set on the left side of the title.)

l        2行:空行

Second line: blank line

l        3行:英文講演者・連名者・会員資格・氏名(本文と同じサイズ,ゴシック体)

Third line: Authors, member or non-member (same size font in the text, Arial)

(登壇者の氏名の前に*印,会員資格のない方は (non) を記入してください.)

(勤務先が複数ある場合は上記英文講演者・連名者に *, ** を肩字として付して,カンマで区切って記入してください.)


(Mark “*” before the speaker’s name, in addition, mark the (non) before a non-member author’s name)  

(If an author belong to more than one affiliations, mark the superscript of *, ** on the author’s name and list the affiliations)

(If you do not have enough space, use the next line.)

l        4行:勤務先

Fourth line: Affiliations


(If you do not have enough space, use the next line.)

l        ·5行:空行

Fifth line: blank line

l        6行以下:本文を2 段に分けてお書きください.

Lines below the sixth line: text, double column

 原稿は見やすいように活字の大きさ(本文は910pt 程度)を選んでください.特に図表中の文字が見にくい場合がありますので,ご注意ください.
9 to 10 pt. fonts in the text. Be sure to make characters in tables or figures clear.


5. 予稿集原稿締切: 2008718日(金)名城大学必着

Deadline: July 18, 2008 (Friday). Manuscript should be arrived at Meijo University.


Due to the printing process, post-deadline manuscripts will not be accepted.


Please note that destination for the manuscript is different from that for the secretariat of JAST.

    Inquiry number of your presentaiotn should be typed on the envelope. (The inquiry number "xxx" is writen in the e-mail which is automatically send  just after you complete your application of presentation on the conference HP.)

      <<<<< Don't forget to send 
copyright transfer together with the manuscript !! >>>>>


6. 原稿送付先:


468-8502 愛知県名古屋市天白区塩釜口1-501 名城大学理工学部機械システム工学科 

「トライボロジー会議  2008 秋 名古屋」実行委員長 小林明発

TEL: 052-832-1151, FAX: 052-832-1235, E-mail: kobayasi@ccmfs.meijo-u.ac.jp

Prof. A. Kobayashi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Meijo University, 1-501
Shiogamaguchi, Tenpaku-ku, Nagoya 468-8502, Japan

TEL:+81-52-832-1151, FAX: +81-52-832-1235, E-mail: kobayasi@ccmfs.meijo-u.ac.jp


7. その他: 原稿受理後の訂正は認められません.そのまま印刷工程に回します.

Others: the authors can not change their manuscript after the submission, the manuscript will be sent to a printer without modification.


予稿集原稿の標準形式(Acrobat PDF ファイルは,こちら

Standard format for proceedings (Acrobat PDF, click above button)

「トライボロジー会議 2008秋 名古屋 国際セッション」のページ (The HP of the International Session)

--> Last modified:  July 15, 2008

All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) (2008), The Japanese Society of Tribologists