Overview of the Japanese Society of Tribologists
What is tribology?
According to the glossary of the OECD, tribology is defined as "the science and technology of interacting surfaces in relative motion and of related subjects and practices," and it is an engineering field that deals with friction, wear, and lubrication. Tribology covers all phenomena that occur on frictional surfaces and is related closely to many scientific fields such as mechanical engineering, physics, chemistry, and materials science. For example, bearings are a typical mechanical part dealt with in tribology and that support the movable parts of machines. In the design of bearings the geometrical conditions such as the dimensions of the bearing, dynamic conditions such as the rotational speed and load, the physical and chemical characteristics of the materials for axes and bearings and lubricants, and environmental factors such as temperature must all be considered. Tribology also plays an important role in the improvement of product performance and durability and the reduction of environmental impact. Such bearings are an indispensable mechanical part that prevents failure due to seizing and wear and reduce power loss due to friction. Bearings are found everywhere in movable parts of all machines such as automobiles, trains, aircraft, computers, household electrical appliances, OA equipment, industrial machines, medical equipment, and space equipment. Tribology is an interdisciplinary science that integrates various scientific fields, and it is a generic technology that supports various industrial fields. Controlling friction and wear to improve maintenance and reliability, saving energy and resources, as well as protecting the environment are all important roles of tribology.
JAST Mission
The mission of the Japanese Society of Tribologists is expressed in our articles of association as "the intention to connect, cooperate, and promote research concerning tribology in order to contribute to the progress of theory concerning tribology and to improve technology."
The Japanese Society of Tribologists was founded as the Japanese Society of Lubrication in 1956. Our members are mainly engineers and researchers in enterprises, educational institutions and public organizations. As of May 2005, the society had about 2,400 members. The interdisciplinary and basic characteristics of tribology are reflected in our members from a wide range of fields such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemistry, and materials science.
JAST is involved in various business activities such as publishing the society's journals and books and holding lectures and seminars to provide basic and specialized technical information as well as promoting the exchange of information on tribology.
Although lubrication is a technology that has existed from ancient times, new subjects in tribology continue to appear with technical trends. For example, a new friction-reducing technology for reducing the fuel consumption of automobile engines and a new refrigeration oil for a natural refrigerant are being developed to reduce the impact on the environment. The increasing capacity of the hard disks that support our information society requires a technology for lubricating the clearance of several micrometers between the heads and the disks. For aging society, tribomaterials for artificial joints and biotribology such as the bearings for artificial hearts are very important. The Japanese Society of Tribologists provides the latest information and a place for the exchange of information on the latest developments in tribology.
JAST "Tribologist" Journal and related publications
The JAST "Tribologist" is the society's monthly journal and features explanations of new technologies, prospects for various research fields, and the research results of our members. JAST also publishes the latest research papers on general tribology such as friction, wear, lubrication, materials, and machine elements and articles in special editions edited to feature current subjects such as the "Trend of Lubricants for the Global Environment" (April 2006) and "Micro/nano Tribology Technology for Automobiles" (September 2006), and these are useful as up-to-date reference materials. Many JAST publications are useful in tribology business and education such as the "Tribology Handbook," "Tribology Glossary," "Case Studies of Tribology Failures and Countermeasures," and "Slide Bearing Materials" (all in Japanese).
Tribology Online
"Tribology Online," the online journal published by JAST, aims to facilitate exchange of information thorough rapid publication of high-quality papers on global developments in tribology. The scope of "Tribology Online" includes all aspects of tribology and other related science and engineering areas. The journal is completely electronic, and is freely accessible to anyone in the world on the Internet.
Research Presentations
The tribology conference sponsored by JAST is held in the spring (in the Kanto District) and in the autumn (outside Kanto). The conference is attended by many tribologists and provides a unique opportunity for acquiring the latest information in the field. Research results are announced and discussed by tribologists from universities, institutes, and enterprises from the entire country, and intensive lectures on important research subjects are also held. At the tribology conference in spring 2006, some 600 participants attended and 200 lectures were given. Since tribology is a practical science, information collected from members nationwide is the largest incentive in the development of the society. The society actively promotes the exchange of information among members.
The society holds the International Tribology Conference (ITC) every five years. At ITC Kobe in 2005, about 700 participants attended and 400 lectures were given. In 2006, the society held the 3rd Asia International Conference on Tribology (ASIATRIB) in Kanazawa. In 2009, the society will host the 4th World Tribology Congress (WTC) in Kyoto. The society provides opportunities for exchanging information not only among members in Japan but also with tribologists throughout the world.
Technical Committies
This society holds various types of workshops for investigation, joint research, and exchanging information on specific subjects.
Personal Data Protection Policy
The Japanese Society of Tribologists (Society), in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 65), strives to achieve appropriate protections of personal data.