Presentation Schedule
Please refer to Presentations List to confirm your presentation schedule.

Registration Desk
Location: Main Entrance

Open Hours:
September 6, Sunday 14:00-18:00
September 7, Monday 8:00-18:00
September 8, Tuesday 8:00-19:00
September 9, Wednesday 8:00-17:00
September 10, Thursday 8:00-19:00
September 11, Friday 8:00-15:00

Presentation Guideline
The official language is English.
Each speaker of technical session will be allowed to present in allotted 20 minutes (15minutes for presentation, and 5 minutes for discussion).
All oral presenters are requested to bring their presentation data in a CD-R or USB-memory stick, or their own laptop computer to PC operator desk located in the left corner of the session room at least 15 minutes before their presentation session.
Speakers are requested to scan their presentation data with the newest virus scan software prior to saving their data.
Only LCD projection will be available. No overhead projector for transparencies will be available.
The computers provided in the meeting rooms will be equipped with Windows XP and Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 / 2007. Apple Macintosh users: Please use your own computer.
If you intend to use video in your presentation, please bring your own video-capable computer. The computers provided in the meeting rooms might not be capable of video playback.
Speakers' laptop computers must be equipped with a D-Sub 15 pin output, standard monitor terminal. Please bring an adapter for interface conversion if necessary.
Speakers must operate the equipment during presentations, using the mouse and monitor at the podium.
The poster sessions will be held at the '' Event hall ''.
Poster presenters must put up their posters on the designated boards between l0:00 and l7:00.
Presenters must be present at their posters for the poster sessions(14:00-15:00).
After the poster sessions are closed, posters must be taken away by the presenters by 17:30.
Posters left on the boards until the next morning will be discarded.
The schedule for the three days of the poster session as follow :
Tuesday, September 8, Wednesday September 9, Thursday, September 10
Mounting 9:00-10:00
Poster Session 14:00-15:00
Removal 17:00-17:30
Boards and pushpins for poster setup will be provided. Each board size is 1200 mm W × 2l00 mm H. Posters should be placed within the area of the board. A0 size (841 mm × 1189 mm ) may be appropriate if the presenter wishes to prepare his/her poster as a single sheet.
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Full Publication
Authors who wish full publication may submit their manuscript to the journal of their choice. Here are announcements from some of the international journals to WTC IV authors.
Journal of Engineering Tribology
Lubrication Science
Tribology International
Tribology Letters
Tribology Online
Tribology Transactions

Journal of Engineering Tribology
The Journal of Engineering Tribology, Part J of the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers is dedicated to publishing high quality papers in a timely way. The journal will welcome any submissions that authors of WTC papers would like to make. These papers will be treated in the same way as all other submissions, and will be published as soon as the editorial process has been completed successfully. The mean time from submission to publication is below 9 months so the authors of well written quality papers can expect their work to be published on that kind of timescale.

Papers are submitted online at which also provides full details of our Author Guidelines, and any queries may be sent to the Journal Office by email to

Lubrication Science
Lubrication Science invites authors at WTC IV to submit their full papers for publication in a Special Issue of Lubrication Science. It will publish three Special Issues, one on the theme of Lubrication Science, one on Synthetic Lubrication and one on Tribotesting. Authors are requested to submit their papers by October 31, 2009. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the publication format described in 'For Authors' at:

Papers must be submitted via the Online Submission sites at the appropriate site:
Lubrication Science:
Synthetic Lubrication:

Tribology International
Tribology International is planning a special issue dedicated to the World Tribology Congress, to be published within a year of the congress taking place. Papers on boundary and nanolubrication, and lubrication fundamentals are particularly welcome, although contributions on other topics relevant to the Journal's aims and scope will also be considered.

Authors are invited to submit papers via the Journal's online submission system before January 31 2010. When submitting their article authors should select "Special issue: WTC IV" as "article type name". Papers submitted after this deadline will be considered for publication in a regular issue. More information on Tribology International including the latest Impact Factor and Guide for Authors is available at We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Tribology Letters
Tribology Letters welcomes papers that focus on fundamental aspects of tribology and information on the journal can be found at:

Authors can submit thair manuscripts on-line at:

Please be sure to select "WTC Manuscripts" in the pull-down menu. All manuscripts will be sent out for review in the normal way.

Tribology Online
Tribology Online, one of the youngest tribology journals, welcomes submission of articles, short communications, and review papers from WTC IV authors for publication in the WTC special issue to be published early spring 2010. Please submit your manuscript online by 30th November, 2009.

For authors' information, please visit

Tribology Transactions
Tribology Transactions has no plans to publish a special issue, but submissions from WTC authors are welcome, and those papers submitted and accepted for publication will be published and identified as having been presented at the WTC.

URL is